Dutch Coffee vs Cold brew coffee
Two completely different brewing methods

Cold brew coffee versus Dutch Coffee
Confusingly enough the names cold brew coffee and Dutch Coffee are often used interchangeably. Technically speaking this is incorrect. Although both methods are cold brewing methods the brewing method is completely different and will thus produce a completely different taste. One doesn’t expect an espresso and a filter coffee to taste similar either right? Therefore we’ll explain some of the differences between these two brewing methods.
Cold brew coffee
Cold brew coffee is a brewing method in which coarsely grounded fresh coffee is steeped in room temperature water for somewhere in between 12 and 24 hours. Some cold brewers like to add spices or fruits to their cold brews. After the extraction period the mixture is filtered once or twice.
Cold brewing can basically be done in every sealable storage container or French press although more specialized cold brewing systems like the toddy brewer are also widely available. In the toddy brewer a filter has been included to ease the process of filtering the coffee after the extraction time. Cold brew is a relatively simple and cheap way of producing large quantities of cold brewed coffee. That’s why most companies focus on this brewing method for their bottled coffees.
Dutch Coffee
Dutch Coffee brewing refers to a brewing method in which ice cold water is dripped over freshly grinded coffee ground for somewhere in between 3,5 tot 12 hours. Because the coffee isn’t steeped in a simple container Dutch Coffee is a lot harder to make without having a Dutch Coffee maker. Although a Dutch Coffee makers is needed to brew Dutch Coffee there are several reasons you should definitely try it!
The most important reason to opt for Dutch Coffee over regular cold brew coffee is taste. Dutch Coffees tend to be more complex and have fuller body than cold brew coffees.
The second reason for using a Dutch Coffee maker is efficiency. Cold brewing will take up to twice the amount of coffee you need compared to making a Dutch Coffee. Everyone knows that great coffee can be pretty expensive so if you get hooked to ice coffees, like we got, a Dutch Coffee maker will benefit you in the long run.
The third argument to support Dutch Coffee over cold brew is the amount of time it will take to brew a pot of coffee. The shortest extraction in cold brewing I’ve heard of is at least 12 hours. A Dutch Coffee maker can brew you a fresh pot of Dutch Coffee in 3,5 hours. This means that brewing on demand becomes an option on days that are turning out to be a bit more sunny and warm than previously expected.
If you’re not convinced yet, you might want to consider the aesthetic value of both brewing methods. Let’s be honest, a Dutch Coffee maker has unmatchable charm, especially when you compare it to brewing in a sealed bucket.
Other cold coffees
A third cold brewing method that is well known is Japanese iced coffee. Pay attention to the fact that iced is used instead of ice. This means that the coffee is brewed hot and then instantly cooled down by pouring it over ice cubes. The main downside of the brewing method is that the coffee will be higher in both bitterness and acidity as the coffee already had some time to oxidize. Next to that the fats in your coffee will have dissolved thus not allowing you to store the coffee for later on.
When you encounter cold drip coffee, ice drip coffee, kyote drip coffee or water drip coffee you’re in luck, these are synonyms for Dutch Coffee.